domingo, 30 de março de 2008

Kit PicNic - Freebie

Esse é o kit freebie da nossa amiga Keka .

Faça o download no blog

E aproveite conheça seu trabalho .

Obrigado por visitar meu blog , Cris Lee : )

This is PicNic Keka ´s Kit Freebie .

You can download it in her blog

And You can see her LOs and kits to sale .

Thanks to visit my blog , Cris Lee : )

QP Xadrezinho -Freebie

Download :
Obrigado a minha amiga Kekinha que cedeu seu kit freebie para que a QP pudesse e feita .

O kit vocês fazem o download no blog da Keka .

Thanks My friend Kekinha whos give me her kit freebie to make the QP for you.

The kit you can download in Keka´s blog .

QP Freebie - Fruits_Cris Lee

Download :

Obrigado a minha amiga Kekinha que cedeu seu kit freebie para que a QP pudesse e feita .

O kit vocês fazem o download no blog da Keka .

Thanks My friend Kekinha whos give me her kit freebie to make the QP for you.

The kit you can download in Keka´s blog .

sábado, 29 de março de 2008

QP - Freebie - Pic-Nic Green-Kit Keka_Pic_Nic

Obrigado a minha amiga Kekinha que cedeu seu kit freebie para que a QP pudesse e feita .

O kit vocês fazem o download no blog da Keka .

Thanks My friend Kekinha whos give me her kit freebie to make the QP for you.

The kit you can download in Keka´s blog .

sexta-feira, 28 de março de 2008

quinta-feira, 27 de março de 2008


Créditos :

Kit : Fa_Maura_PopColours

LO Designer : Cris Lee

LO About Me

Créditos :

02-08Mega freebie 1
02-08Mega freebie 2

Fonte : Monotype Corsyva

terça-feira, 25 de março de 2008


Créditos : Kit czs-baby
Lo : designer : Cris Lee



Créditos : Kit czs-baby



Kit : czs-prettywoman

LO SmiLe_czsprettywoman

Kit : czsprettywoman
LO : Smile

Lo wedding_Kit CZs_Lamour

LO Loved baby_Kit CZs_Lamour

LO Love is forever _ Kit Valentines-CintiaZS

LO Beautifull_Kit Valentines-CintiaZS

LO Primeiro dia de aula_Comebacktoscholl

LO Primeiro dia de aula
Kit mboroni_Comebacktoscholl

LO Volta as aulas_mboroni_Comebacktoscholl

LO Primeiro dia de aula

Kit: mboroni_Comebacktoscholl

domingo, 23 de março de 2008

Min Kit Easter - Freebie


4 paper

9 elements

Only personal use
Download :

QP Freebie - Happy Easter

QP Freebie - Happy Easter - Cris Lee

Personal use Only

Mais tarde teremos um mini kit . Não percam .

Later we have a free mini kit . Be attention .

sábado, 22 de março de 2008

Scraps2You - Easte Kit - Preview

O kit completo já está a venda na lojas .

The kit already in the stores .

LO My first Easter - Scrap2you_easter

LO _ Happy Easter-Scrap2you_easter

FaMaura_EasterKit - preview

FaMaura_EasterKit - preview

A venda nas lojas .

Alreay in the stores .

LO Caderno - FaMaura_EasterKit

LO Aquarela - FaMauraKidKit

sexta-feira, 21 de março de 2008

A minha bolsa - Desafio

Créditos :

Valentine - Scraps2you

Acquamarine - scraps2you

Fonte monotype corsyva

LO_Volta as aulas - desafio

LO_Primeiro dia de aula - desafio

Créditos :



Crédito da Fotografia: Rob Marmion

quinta-feira, 20 de março de 2008

FaMaura_EasterKit - Preview


O kit completo FaMaura_Easterkit , já está a venda nas lojas .

The kit FaMaura_EasterKit , is already in the stores .

LO Happy Easter_FaMaura_EasterKit

LO Coelhinho - FaMaura_EasterKit

Tradição do coelhinho da Páscoa

O tradição do Coelhinho da Páscoa foi trazido para a América pelos imigrantes alemães, entre o final do século XVII e o início do século XVIII.
No Antigo Egito, o coelho simbolizava o nascimento e a nova vida. Alguns povos da Antigüidade consideravam o coelho como o símbolo da Lua, portanto, é possível que ele tenha se tornado símbolo pascal devido ao fato de a Lua determinar a data da Páscoa. O certo é que os coelhos são notáveis por sua capacidade de reprodução, e geram grandes ninhadas, e a Páscoa marca a ressurreição, vida nova, tanto entre os judeus quanto entre os cristãos.
Existe também a lenda de que uma mulher pobre coloriu alguns ovos de galinha e os escondeu, para dá-los a seus filhos como presente de Páscoa. Quando as crianças descobriram os ovos, um coelho passou correndo. Espalhou-se, então, a história de que o coelho é que havia trazido os ovos.

Novidades / News

As novidades dessa semana é que passei a fazer parte do CT da amiga Fa_Maura .
Um CT muito amigo e traremos muitas novidades para todos .

I am in CT my friend Fa_Maura .
This is a very good CT .
And Fa_Maura ´s CT will have news for everyboby .

segunda-feira, 17 de março de 2008

ST Patrick´s Day

O dia de St Patrick é a 17 de Março. É feriado na Irlanda porque St Patrick é o seu santo patrono.St Patrick foi um missionário encarregado de converter os Irlandeses ao Cristianismo no século 4º depois de Cristo. É considerado o fundador da Igreja Católica na Irlanda.Neste dia há desfiles pelas ruas das grandes cidades irlandesas. Em Dublin, a capital, há um desfile de Carnaval e há festas pela noite dentro. As pessoas vestem-se de verde e pintam trevos na cara, porque o trevo é o símbolo da Irlanda; St Patrick usava-o como uma metáfora para explicar o conceito da Trindade (Pai, Filho e Espírito Santo).A cor verde é associada ao dia de St Patrick, porque é a cor da Primavera, da Irlanda (considerada a ilha verde) e do trevo. As crianças em idade escolar seguem ainda hoje uma pequena tradição, beliscam os colegas que não usam verde neste dia.
Em Portugal, o dia 8 de Dezembro é um feriado nacional em honra da virgem, padroeira espiritual do país.

Saint Patrick´s Day

Saint Patrick's Day
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Saint Patrick's Day

The Chicago River is dyed green each year for the St. Patrick's Day celebration, shown here in 2008.
Observed by
Irish people
People of Irish ancestry
Roman Catholics
Eastern Orthodox
English-speaking countries
National, Ethnic, Christian, Festive
March 17
Attending Mass
Wearing shamrocks
Wearing green
Drinking alcohol

St. Patrick's Day 2004 in Cork, Ireland.
Saint Patrick's Day (Irish: Lá ’le Pádraig or Lá Fhéile Pádraig), colloquially St. Paddy's Day or Paddy's Day, is an annual feast day which celebrates Saint Patrick (circa 385–461 AD), one of the patron saints of Ireland, and is generally celebrated on March 17.
The day is the national holiday of Ireland. It is a bank holiday in Northern Ireland and a public holiday in the Republic of Ireland, Montserrat, and the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador. In the rest of Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, the United States and New Zealand, it is widely celebrated but is not an official holiday. [1]
It became a feast day in the Roman Catholic Church due to the influence of the Waterford-born Franciscan scholar Luke Wadding[2] in the early part of the 17th century, and is a holy day of obligation for Roman Catholics in Ireland. The date of the feast is occasionally moved by church authorities when March 17 falls during Holy Week; this happened in 1940 when Saint Patrick's Day was observed on April 3 in order to avoid it coinciding with Palm Sunday, and happened again in 2008, having been observed on 15 March.[3] March 17 will not fall during Holy Week again until 2160.[4]

Celebration overview
Saint Patrick's Day is celebrated worldwide by Irish people and increasingly by non-Irish people (usually in Australia and North America). Celebrations are generally themed around all things Irish and, by association, the color green. Both Christians and non-Christians celebrate the secular version of the holiday by wearing green or orange, eating Irish food and/or green foods, imbibing Irish drink (such as Guinness, Baileys Irish Cream or carbomb drink) and attending parades.
The St. Patrick's Day parade in Dublin, Ireland is part of a five-day festival; over 500,000 people attended the 2006 parade. The largest St. Patrick's Day parade is held in Chicago and it is watched by over 2.5 million spectators.[citation needed] The St. Patrick's Day parade was first held in Boston in 1761, organized by the Charitable Irish Society. New York City's celebration began on 18 March 1762 when Irish soldiers in the British army marched through the city.[citation needed] The predominantly French-speaking Canadian city of Montréal, in the province of Québec has the longest continually running Saint Patrick's day parade in North America, since 1824;[5] The city's flag has the Irish emblem, the shamrock, in one of its corners. Ireland's cities all hold their own parades and festivals, including Dublin, Cork, Belfast, Derry, Galway, Kilkenny, Limerick, and Waterford. Parades also take place in other Irish towns and villages.

"Leprechauns" kick off week-long festivities by renaming New London, Wisconsin to New Dublin
Other large parades include those in Savannah, Georgia ([3]), New London, Wisconsin (which changes its name to New Dublin the week of St. Patrick's Day) ([4]), Dallas, Cleveland, Manchester, Birmingham, London, Coatbridge, Jackson, Mississippi, Boston, Buffalo, Houston, Chicago, Cincinnati,[5]Kansas City, Rolla, Philadelphia, Indianapolis, Pittsburgh, Denver, St. Paul, Sacramento, San Francisco, Scranton, Seattle, Butte, Detroit, Toronto, Vancouver, Syracuse, Newport, Holyoke and throughout much of the Western world. The parade held in Sydney, Australia is recorded as being the largest in the Southern Hemisphere.
As well as being a celebration of Irish culture, Saint Patrick's Day is a Christian festival celebrated in the Catholic Church, the Church of Ireland, and some other denominations. The day almost always falls in the season of Lent. Some bishops will grant an indult, or release, from the Friday no-meat observance when St. Patrick's Day falls on a Friday; this is sometimes colloquially known as a "corned-beef indult".[6] When 17 March falls on a Sunday, church calendars (though rarely secular ones) move Saint Patrick's Day to the following Monday—and when the 17th falls during Holy Week (very rarely), the observance will be moved to the next available date or, exceptionally, before holy week.[7]
In many parts of North America, Britain, and Australia, expatriate Irish and ever-growing crowds of people with no Irish connections but who may proclaim themselves "Irish for a day" also celebrate St. Patrick's Day, usually with the consumption of traditionally Irish alcoholic beverages (beer and stout, such as Murphys, Beamish, Smithwicks, Harp, or Guinness; Irish whiskey; Irish coffee; or Baileys Irish Cream) and by wearing green-coloured clothing.
2007 marked the first annual St. Patrick's Day parade and festival in the Scottish city of Glasgow.[citation needed]

Wearing of the green

St. Patrick used the shamrock, a three-leaved plant, to explain the Holy Trinity to the pre-Christian Irish.
St. Patrick's Blue, not green, was the colour long-associated with St. Patrick. Green, the colour most widely associated with Ireland, with Irish people, and with St. Patrick's Day in modern times, may have gained its prominence through the phrase "the wearing of the green" meaning to wear a shamrock on one's clothing. At many times in Irish history, to do so was seen as a sign of Irish nationalism or loyalty to the Roman Catholic faith. St. Patrick used the shamrock, a three-leaved plant, to explain the Holy Trinity to the pre-Christian Irish. The wearing of and display of shamrocks and shamrock-inspired designs have become a ubiquitous feature of the saint's holiday.[8] The change to Ireland's association with green rather than blue probably began around the 1750s.[9][10]

Recent history
In the past, Saint Patrick's Day was celebrated only as a religious holiday. It became a public holiday in 1903, by the Bank Holiday (Ireland) Act 1903, an Act of the United Kingdom Parliament introduced by the Irish MP James O'Mara.[11] O'Mara later introduced the law which required that pubs be closed on 18 March, a provision which was repealed only in the 1970s. The first St. Patrick's Day parade held in the Irish Free State was held in Dublin in 1931 and was reviewed by the then Minister of Defence Desmond Fitzgerald. Although secular celebrations now exist, the holiday remains a religious observance in Ireland, for both the Church of Ireland and Roman Catholic Church.

Sign on a beam in the Guinness Storehouse.
It was only in the mid-1990s that the Irish government began a campaign to use Saint Patrick's Day to showcase Ireland and its culture.[12] The government set up a group called St. Patrick's Festival, with the aim to:
—Offer a national festival that ranks amongst all of the greatest celebrations in the world and promote excitement throughout Ireland via innovation, creativity, grassroots involvement, and marketing activity.
—Provide the opportunity and motivation for people of Irish descent, (and those who sometimes wish they were Irish) to attend and join in the imaginative and expressive celebrations.
—Project, internationally, an accurate image of Ireland as a creative, professional and sophisticated country with wide appeal, as we approach the new millennium.[13]
The first Saint Patrick's Festival was held on 17 March 1996. In 1997, it became a three-day event, and by 2000 it was a four-day event. By 2006, the festival was five days long.
The topic of the 2004 St. Patrick's Symposium was "Talking Irish," during which the nature of Irish identity, economic success, and the future were discussed. Since 1996, there has been a greater emphasis on celebrating and projecting a fluid and inclusive notion of "Irishness" rather than an identity based around traditional religious or ethnic allegiance. The week around Saint Patrick's Day usually involves Irish speakers using more Irish during seachtain na Gaeilge ("Irish Week").
The biggest celebrations on the island of Ireland outside Dublin are in Downpatrick, Northern Ireland, where Saint Patrick is rumoured to be buried following his death on 17 March 461. In 2004, according to Down District Council, the week-long St. Patrick's Festival had over 2,000 participants and 82 floats, bands, and performers, and was watched by over 30,000 people.[citation needed]
Belfast City Council recently agreed to give public funds to its parade for the first time.[citation needed] In previous years funding was refused by councillors in the city for not being inclusive of Unionist citizens.[14]
The day is celebrated by the Church of Ireland as a Christian festival.
Since the 1990s, Irish Taoisigh have sometimes attended special functions either on Saint Patrick's Day or a day or two earlier, in the White House, where they present shamrock to the President of the United States. A similar presentation is made to the Speaker of the House. Originally only representatives of the Republic of Ireland attended, but since the mid-1990s all major Political parties in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland are invited, with the attendance including the representatives of the Irish government, the Ulster Unionist Party, the Social Democratic and Labour Party, Sinn Féin and others. No Northern Irish parties were invited for these functions in 2005. In recent years, it is common for the entire Irish government to be abroad representing the country in various parts of the world. In 2003, the President of Ireland celebrated the holiday in Sydney, the Taoiseach was in Washington, while other Irish government members attended ceremonies in New York City, Boston, San Francisco, Buffalo N.Y., San Jose, Savannah, Chicago, Detroit, Philadelphia, San Diego, New Zealand, Hong Kong, South Africa, Korea, Japan, and Brazil.
Saint Patrick's Day parades in Ireland date from the early 18th century.
Christian leaders in Ireland have expressed concern about the secularisation of St Patrick's Day. Writing in the Word magazine (March 2007), Fr. Vincent Twomey stated that, "it is time to reclaim St Patrick's Day as a church festival". He questioned the need for "mindless alcohol-fuelled revelry" and concluded that, "it is time to bring the piety and the fun together". The widespread use of alcoholic beverages on St. Patrick's Day may be rooted in the fact that the Roman festival of the Bacchanalia, a celebration of the deity Bacchus (to whom wine was sacred), was on 17 March[citation needed].

domingo, 16 de março de 2008

Alpha Freebie

Hoje eu tenho um Alpha freebie para uso pessoal para vocês .

Durante a semana trarei um mini Kit com paper e elements.

Tenham uma boa semana .

E obrigado por estarem sempre visitando meu blog . Cris Lee : )

Today I post an Alpha freebie for only personal use .

Next week , I don´t know what the day , I ´ll post a Free mini kit with papers and elements .

Have a good time .

And thanks to visit my blog . Cris Lee : )

Download :

sábado, 15 de março de 2008

QC - Be Happy - Freebie

Preview ( menor que o original /minor who the original )

Download :

QC - BeHappy - Cris Lee 6X4inches 300 DPI (Apena uso pessoal / only personal use )

Domingo postarei mais um freebie para vocês .

Obrigado por visitar meu blog . Cris Lee : )

Sunday , I´ll post another freebie .

Thanks to visit my blog . Cris Lee : )

LO Be Happy - Kit I love you - Niára Camargo

O kit I Love You - Niára Camargo , já está a venda nas lojas .

The Kit I Love You - Niára camargo , alreadyfor sale on the stores .

LO pensativa - Kit I love you - Niára Camargo

Mais tarde Freebies / Latter Freebies

Mais tarde postarei um freebie de final de semana .
Ainda estou pensando o que postarei hoje e amanhã...
Obrigado por visitar meu blog ! Cri Lee : )

Latter I´ll post the weekend freebie .
And tomorrow another one .

Thanks to visit my blog !Cris Lee : )

sexta-feira, 14 de março de 2008

LO Happy Baby - NiaraC_Happinesskit

LO Fofura da tia - NiaraC_Happinesskit

quinta-feira, 13 de março de 2008

LO Maratonista- kit blue dreams - Scraps2you

Essa LO foi feita com o kit Blue Dreams - Scraps2You - que já se encontra a venda nas lojas .

This LO use kit Blue Dreams - Scraps2You - The kit is in the stores .

LO - we are the love - kit blue dreams - Scraps2you

Atenção / Be attention

Em breve teremos um novo freebie para vocês !
Está ficando muito bonito !
Estejam atentos ao blog .

Bjos , Cris Lee : )

In a little time I ´ll post new freebies .
It is a coll Freebie !!!
Be attention

Thanks to visit me .

Cris Lee : )

LO Ser Feliz - Kit SummerBreeze-Scraps2You

LO Dog and Bugs - Kit SummerBreeze-Scraps2You

Essa é uma LO montada com o kit SummerBreeze - Do Scraps2two .

O kit completo já se encontra a venda nas lojas .

This is my LO - kit Summer Breezescraps2you .

The kit is in the stores .

sábado, 8 de março de 2008

Ser Mulher

Ser mulher
É viver mil vezes em apenas uma vida,é lutar por causas perdidas e sempre sair vencedora,é estar antes do ontem e depois do amanhã,é desconhecer a palavra recompensa apesar dos seus atos.
Ser mulher é caminhar na dúvida cheia de certezas,é correr atrás das nuvens num dia de sol e alcançar o sol num dia de chuva.
Ser mulher é chorar de alegria e muitas vezes sorrir com tristeza,é cancelar sonhos em prol de terceiros,é acreditar quando ninguém mais acredita,é esperar quando ninguém mais espera.
Ser mulher é identificar um sorriso triste e uma lágrima falsa,é ser enganada e sempre dar mais uma chance,é cair no fundo do poço e emergir sem ajuda.
Ser mulher é estar em mil lugares de uma só vez,é fazer mil papéis ao mesmo tempo,é ser forte e fingir que é frágil pra ter um carinho.
Ser mulher é se perder em palavrase depois perceber que se encontrou nelas,é distribuir emoções que nem sempre são captadas.
Ser mulher é comprar, emprestar, alugar,vender sentimentos, mas jamais dever,é construir castelos na areia, vê-los desmoronadospelas águas e ainda assim amá-las.
Ser mulher é saber dar o perdão,é tentar recuperar o irrecuperável,é entender o que ninguém mais conseguiu desvendar.
Ser mulher é estender a mão a quem ainda não pediu,é doar o que ainda não foi solicitado.
Ser mulher é não ter vergonha de chorar por amor,é saber a hora certa do fim,é esperar sempre por um recomeço.
Ser mulher é ter a arrogância de viver apesar dos dissabores,das desilusões, das traições e das decepções.
Ser mulher é ser mãe dos seus filhos, e dos filhos de outros e amá-los igualmente.
Ser mulher é ter confiança no amanhã e aceitação pelo ontem,é desbravar caminhos difíceis em instantes inoportunose fincar a bandeira da conquista.
Ser mulher é entender as fases da lua por ter suas próprias fases.É ser "nova" quando o coração está à espera do amor,ser "crescente" quando o coração está se enchendo de amor,ser "cheia" quando ele já está transbordando de tanto amore "minguante" quando esse amor vai embora.
Ser mulher é hospedar dentro de si o sentimento do perdão,é voltar no tempo todos os dias e viver por poucos instantescoisas que nunca ficaram esquecidas.
Ser mulher é cicatrizar feridas de outrose inúmeras vezes deixar as suas próprias feridas sangrando.
(Texto Tirado do site Lilian Poesias)

International Women´s Day

International Women's Day
International Women's Day (8 March) is an occasion marked by women's groups around the world. This date is also commemorated at the United Nations and is designated in many countries as a national holiday. When women on all continents, often divided by national boundaries and by ethnic, linguistic, cultural, economic and political differences, come together to celebrate their Day, they can look back to a tradition that represents at least nine decades of struggle for equality, justice, peace and development.
International Women's Day is the story of ordinary women as makers of history; it is rooted in the centuries-old struggle of women to participate in society on an equal footing with men. In ancient Greece, Lysistrata initiated a sexual strike against men in order to end war; during the French Revolution, Parisian women calling for "liberty, equality, fraternity" marched on Versailles to demand women's suffrage.
The idea of an International Women's Day first arose at the turn of the century, which in the industrialized world was a period of expansion and turbulence, booming population growth and radical ideologies. Following is a brief chronology of the most important events:
In accordance with a declaration by the Socialist Party of America, the first National Woman's Day was observed across the United States on 28 February. Women continued to celebrate it on the last Sunday of that month through 1913.
The Socialist International, meeting in Copenhagen, established a Women's Day, international in character, to honour the movement for women's rights and to assist in achieving universal suffrage for women. The proposal was greeted with unanimous approval by the conference of over 100 women from 17 countries, which included the first three women elected to the Finnish parliament. No fixed date was selected for the observance.
As a result of the decision taken at Copenhagen the previous year, International Women's Day was marked for the first time (19 March) in Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland, where more than one million women and men attended rallies. In addition to the right to vote and to hold public office, they demanded the right to work, to vocational training and to an end to discrimination on the job.
Less than a week later, on 25 March, the tragic Triangle Fire in New York City took the lives of more than 140 working girls, most of them Italian and Jewish immigrants. This event had a significant impact on labour legislation in the United States, and the working conditions leading up to the disaster were invoked during subsequent observances of International Women's Day.
As part of the peace movement brewing on the eve of World War I, Russian women observed their first International Women's Day on the last Sunday in February 1913. Elsewhere in Europe, on or around 8 March of the following year, women held rallies either to protest the war or to express solidarity with their sisters.
With 2 million Russian soldiers dead in the war, Russian women again chose the last Sunday in February to strike for "bread and peace". Political leaders opposed the timing of the strike, but the women went on anyway. The rest is history: Four days later the Czar was forced to abdicate and the provisional Government granted women the right to vote. That historic Sunday fell on 23 February on the Julian calendar then in use in Russia, but on 8 March on the Gregorian calendar in use elsewhere.
Since those early years, International Women's Day has assumed a new global dimension for women in developed and developing countries alike. The growing international women's movement, which has been strengthened by four global United Nations women's conferences, has helped make the commemoration a rallying point for coordinated efforts to demand women's rights and participation in the political and economic process. Increasingly, International Women's Day is a time to reflect on progress made, to call for change and to celebrate acts of courage and determination by ordinary women who have played an extraordinary role in the history of women's rights.
The Role of the United NationsFew causes promoted by the United Nations have generated more intense and widespread support than the campaign to promote and protect the equal rights of women. The Charter of the United Nations, signed in San Francisco in 1945, was the first international agreement to proclaim gender equality as a fundamental human right. Since then, the Organization has helped create a historic legacy of internationally agreed strategies, standards, programmes and goals to advance the status of women worldwide.
Over the years, United Nations action for the advancement of women has taken four clear directions: promotion of legal measures; mobilization of public opinion and international action; training and research, including the compilation of gender desegregated statistics; and direct assistance to disadvantaged groups. Today a central organizing principle of the work of the United Nations is that no enduring solution to society's most threatening social, economic and political problems can be found without the full participation, and the full empowerment, of the world's women.
For more information, contact:
Development Section Department of Public Information Room S-1040, United Nations, New York, NY 10017Email:
Published by the United Nations Department of Public Information--DPI/1878--January 1997

BM Freebie

Agora vc já pode fazer o download de sua BM .

Obrigado por visitar meu blog.

Deixe também um comentário para saber sua opinião .

Obrigado , Cris Lee : )

Now you can dowload the BM .

Thanks to visit my blog !

Please let´s your opinion in the coments .

Thanks , Cris Lee : )

sexta-feira, 7 de março de 2008

Sábado BM freebie / Saturday BM Freebie

Sábado, 8 de março , teremos o nosso Marcador de páginas (BM ) freebie . Não percam !

Be attention , Saturday , March 8 , the freebie is a BM .

QP - Kit WonderWoman - ScrapscomStylo

Como eu havia prometido , aqui está a QP Pelo Dia Internacional das Mulheres .

As I had prommised It is my QP For the International Day´s Women .

CT call

LO Oh Baby - Kit AcquaMarine -Scraps2You

LO La Barca - Kit Acquamarine - Scrap2You

quinta-feira, 6 de março de 2008

quarta-feira, 5 de março de 2008

QP - Freebies - Kit Sublime Love - Scrap2You

Nosso CT Scraps2You fez mais um presente pra vocês, mais um álbum GIGANTE de Quick Pages com o nosso Kit Sublime Love, que já está a venda nas nossas lojas. Estamos meio atrasadas, já que o Valentine's Day foi em fevereiro, mas ainda dá pra aproveitar o Pack e guardar pra usar no nosso Dia dos Namorados, que é em junho...
Dessa vez vamos fazer diferente, o Pack é de 14 Quick Pages, mas vamos liberar uma de cada vez e quando a seguinte for lançada, o link anterior será desativado, então fiquem ligadas pra não perderem nenhuma, ok???

Our CT Scraps 2 you has made another gift to you, one more GIANT pack of Quick Pages with Sublime Love Kit, which is been sold in all our stores . We're a little late, seem that Valentine's day is gone, but it's never late to use our romantic pictures and done some lovely Layouts!!!!
This time we're doing something different, we're going to put one link at a time. It's 14 links in total, but you'll have to visit us always to pick up the whole album. Once one new link is posted, the old one will be expired, ok?

Fiquem atentos / Be attention

Em breve teremos lindas QP e BM em homenagem ao dia internacional das mulheres , 8 de março .

Não pecam o download será por tempo limitado .

Obrigado por visitar meu blog .

As soon as possible I ´ll post nice QP and BM for de International Women´s Day , March 8 .

Be attention , because the download will be for a limited period .

Thanks for visit my blog .

terça-feira, 4 de março de 2008

Vamos brincar de tagear ?

Recebi um recado da Fê querida me taggeando.

Vou ter que colocar aqui as regras da brincadeira e tagear mais 7 amigas virtuais.

As Regras são:

a) Uma vez convidada, "Linkar a Pessoa que a Convidou";

b) Postar as regras no seu blog;

c) Postar 7 fatos estranhos, engraçados ou interessantes sobre você mesma, no seu blog;

d) Convidar 7 pessoas e "linka-las";

e) Deixar um recado nos respectivos blogs para avisá-las do seu convite.

Então vamos primeiro aos fatos que tenho que descrever e depois no final digo quem eu vou tagear.

1- Uma coisa que algumas pessoas acham estranho é que sou apaixonada por gatos . Consigo manter 6 num ap de 2 quartos e se tivesse mais espaço teria muito mais . Converso com elas (são fêmeas ) , dou carinho , só precisava ser polvo por causa da ciumeira... Rs

2- Depois que me formei fiz 2 especializoções diferentes... E trabalho faz 20 anos em outra especialização... E gostei tanto que quando apareceu a chance para eu trabalhar na especialização que tinha feito não quiz 3- Moro no Rio de Janeiro e não gosto de praia , só em finalzinho de tarde para tomar água de coco... Não é raridade ? 4- Só sei dormir coberta da cintura para baixo, pode estar o calor que for 5- Só tomo banho com água bem quente , mesmo no verão do Rio . 6- Tenho um ótimo senso de humor.... Uma vez caí sentada num degrau em frente ao local que trabalho , eu ria tanto , que ninguém sabia se eu tinha caído ou estava sentada . E quanto mais me perguntavam , mais eu 7- Eu adoro usar vestidos . Acho akgo muito feminino . Não micro vestidos... Vestidos normais .......Agora vamos as amigas que vou tagear: Cintia , Ari , Bê , Sol , Michelle , Niára e Sabry

sábado, 1 de março de 2008

Nova loja de Scrap / New Scrap Store

Minha madrinha virtual querida e amiga virtual Mari Liess acaba de inaugurarar sua própria loja virtual . Vale a pena conferir . Os lindos produtos feitos por ela se encontram com desconto e a grande maioria é para uso comercial .

My friend Mari Liess open her own scrap´s store . Visitit her store , please . There are a lot of commercial use products with discount .

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